Sunday, 5 June 2011

It's been time...

I am a useless bloggerer. Not enough hours in the day, the dog ate my camera, etc...
And, actually, I don't feel bad about cheating my way through this post either. So there!

Make all of these things right now.

Greasy Heart Honey Peach Bubble Tea

Seven Sweet Links:
A little something for all the banana/chocolate/peanut butter lovers! Banana cake with a peanut butter cup inside—finished off with chocolate buttercream! If you’re feeling extra adventurous, top these off with some crumbled bacon to make yourself the Elvis special. (I’m a vegetarian, so I went with chocolate chips.) 
Click here for the recipe!

  1. Peanut Butter Cup Smores. For real.
  2. Take this survey from my favourite pizza blog. Cos I know you love pizza too.
  3. Bake it in a cake?
  4. Slightly strange
  5. Make these. Yum.
  6. And this. OMG
  7. But this is the best one. I think.

*Having a favourite pizza blog is totally not lame.

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