Sunday 5 June 2011

It's been time...

I am a useless bloggerer. Not enough hours in the day, the dog ate my camera, etc...
And, actually, I don't feel bad about cheating my way through this post either. So there!

Make all of these things right now.

Greasy Heart Honey Peach Bubble Tea

Seven Sweet Links:
A little something for all the banana/chocolate/peanut butter lovers! Banana cake with a peanut butter cup inside—finished off with chocolate buttercream! If you’re feeling extra adventurous, top these off with some crumbled bacon to make yourself the Elvis special. (I’m a vegetarian, so I went with chocolate chips.) 
Click here for the recipe!

  1. Peanut Butter Cup Smores. For real.
  2. Take this survey from my favourite pizza blog. Cos I know you love pizza too.
  3. Bake it in a cake?
  4. Slightly strange
  5. Make these. Yum.
  6. And this. OMG
  7. But this is the best one. I think.

*Having a favourite pizza blog is totally not lame.

Thursday 10 March 2011

Big-time Breakfast

I am a fan of breakfast.
I think one like this is more something you would have for brunch or lunch or all three in one.

Weekend breakfast.
Sweet, salty, spicy, creamy, sharp, smoky, toasty, buttery breakfast.
Naughty Breakfast.

Scrambled Eggs Mel's Way
with Grilled Tomatoes and Brown Sugar Bacon

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Temporary Internet Files

Get it? Pahahaha

Anyway here's some cookies / biscuits.
But calling them biscuits ruins the internet file joke.

Chocolate Chip Half Dipped Thins
  • 1/2 cup butter/margarine
  • 1/2 cup white sugar
  • 1/2 cup light or dark soft brown sugar (i used 1/4 cup of each but it's no biggy)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • pinch of salt (salt matters)
  • 1/2-3/4 cup plain flour (i guesstimated)
  • 3/4-1 cup chocolate chips (i improvised and used smashed up minstrels) probably not a whole cup either
  • Bit of chocolate to melt for dippin'
Jeez! Spell checker didn't even correct the word 'guesstimate'. Welcome to the 21st century folks...

Line and lightly grease cookie sheets (baking trays) with parchment and.. erm.. grease.
Preheat to 350 degrees.
Cream butter and sugar in a large bowl. Recipe calls for a large bowl, not me. I won't judge you on the size of your equipment...
Beat in the egg.
Then stir in vanilla, flour and salt.
Add chocolate chips or minstrels or m&ms or nuts or whatever you want.*

*Not lego.

Drop onto parchment, about 2 tsp per cookie. Leave some space between each one to avoid any funny business; we all know that cookies love each other and will try to unite.

Cook for 10 ish minutes until the edges are golden and the middles are set. 

Leave to cool, cookies will be soft when hot but will crisp up when cool. When they are cool, you can half dip them in melted chocolate and leave to set but they are still yummy just as they are. 

I made some mocha-choca-something thingies too. Will post recipe when I find my notes :)